

编辑:Owen 发表时间:2020-02-26



GLA全球物流联盟网主办的第八届GLA全球物流企业峰会原定于2020年3月29-31日在泰国曼谷Avani+ Riverside Bangkok 酒店举行。GLA全球组委会自会议启动后,有条不紊地进行会务筹办,相关工作进展顺利。已确定参会嘉宾来自约90个国家,600人左右。但由于新型冠状病毒性疫情形势严峻!







English Format


Dear Friends:

Good day. As you all know about the recent coronavirus epidemic, GLA had an internal meeting  and decided to postpone  8th GLA Global Logistics Conference that was scheduled to be held in 29th to 31th , March, 2020 in  Avani  Riverside  Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand due to the unavailable circumstances.

Like many of you, we all have been carefully watching and analyzing the acceleration of the new Coronavirus epidemic and its geographical spread which was originated in Wuhan, China. The World Health Organisation has declared the Coronavirus as a Global Health Emergency with the potential to expand.


Till now, Chinese government has taken every necessary steps to control the epidemic and the situation is getting better gradually. This time during our conference we had a confirmed participation of  members from around 90 countries. As the health, security, safety of our valued members are always a great priority to us and thus upon consulting with the industry experts, GLA members, officials, venue,we have decided to postpone the 8th GLA Global Logistics conference. we will definitely announce the revised plans with details as soon as possible. please stay with us.


We are extremely confident and hopeful that we will provide you with an even more exciting ,fruitful and revised conference schedule that will bring you even greater opportunities to boost your company and offer more opportunities and build powerful global partnerships. we believe that we together can overcome any difficulties and looking ahead to grow together.


Meanwhile, we would like to thank all members and friends for your ongoing support, patience and understanding. as well as your excellent input and suggestions . 

